How to Create a Personal Chat Room on WhatsApp
WhatsApp logo from WhatsApp has come in handy especially in an era where we need to send messages fast and expect a quick reply, instant messaging. Still, this social mobile application can do more than just texting or updating Your Status or making calls; it can let you own your space! If you are a typical WhatsApp user and also love to write or publish material from time to time, you can use this social medium as a personal editorial desk, or even as a private library for your writings or other media content. Let's check out how to get your 'one in a room' on WhatsApp. 1. Create a Unilateral Group WhatsApp groups provide a common platform for families, friends, associates, etc. It is usually made up of two or more people. But did you know that a one member group is possible? Let's see how. -Ask for a WhatsApp-active friend's permission to be added shortly to a personal group. -Create a group page with yourself and the other contact as members, enter a...